An Example of the Southern Tutchone Orthography

Kwädą̄y chʼäw dän ä́dè Thekala Dagür
yū nä̀nànjè kwä̀chʼe nà. Ätlʼa Älǖr dädáta
yè tä̀nadä̀l kʼe kä̀nàzhà dän Łùʼàn Mǟn
mày tsʼä̀n n-dä̀nijäl. Älǖr kʼè kùye Łùʼàn
Mǟn kwänį. Łù Shäw Mǟn kenį kä̀nàni.

Dazhän män tląyą chʼäw äkʼǜ yè taàtlą
chʼe. Ukay shų́ ń-łätā ń-tsʼi äkʼäl kàtsʼi
kʼe táyān tsʼeshäw kwä̀łè chʼe. Män kay
łu ätlą kų̀lį chʼe thì shų̄.

Southern Tutchone is one of seven Athapaskan languages spoken in the Yukon.

This information was found at

Yukon Native Language Centre

This sample is used with the permission of the Yukon Native Language Centre.

Please visit this site to learn about the rich cultural and linguistic heritage of the peoples of the Yukon. Southern Tutchone is only one of the languages covered by this comprehensive site.

(To find the page which contains the above quote, please follow the Dákeyi link under "Materials and Publications".)

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